Tribal Lending Partnerships

What We Do at Leaning Rock Finance

“I have been studying your business trying to match our services/products to your business. It is hard to do without fully understanding what you do.”

Brian, typically, a federally recognized Native American Indian tribe will reach out to us in an effort to enter the business of lending money to the masses via E-commerce. Tribes meeting our criteria are often geographically challenged [no casino potential], lack natural resources, have little infrastructure, zero capital, no network to explore the opportunities… to monetize their unique sovereign status.

We receive inquiries from family offices, venture capitalists, Wall Street, investors… who have access to substantial capital they desire to employ by collaborating with tribes to export B2C loans across approx. 37 states thereby negating the need to invest 6- 12 months to secure state-by-state loan licensing and the substantial costs associated with these efforts. 

Our Team of industry veterans at Leaning Rock Finance is the “glue” and the “expertise” that enables these collaborations to occur and to succeed in changing the lives of members of “Indian Country,” serve the 40% of U.S. households who cannot access $400 cash when facing a sudden financial emergency, [dental work, car needed for work breaks down, utility bill overdue causing disconnect and reconnect fees, avoid $37 bank NSF fee for a small check they’ve written…]

Perhaps your Bank [OSB] has “Indian Country” clients/tribes who would find these scenarios of interest? OSB could provide introductions? OSB could provide operating, depository accounts, ACH transactions… for the millions of dollars in transactions that occur between the tribes and the 3rd party vendors, service providers, consumers… that transpire?

In addition to reviewing our services, take a look at  NAFSA the “Native American Financial Services Association.” 

We have the expertise & willingness to help educate the OSB Team in regards to entering our industry. 

As an industry veteran in banking, you certainly know that the majority of large, incumbent banks simply lack interest in our space. There are HUGE opportunities for bankers having the desire – and quite honestly the intestinal fortitude – to invest the time and energy to build in-house compliance and regulatory expertise. The business of lending to the masses is but one. “Bank discontinuance” and “Operation Chokepoint” are still issues looking for solutions and providers. Perhaps OSB could be one. 

In essence, and as stated on our website , we:


Tribal Lenders Unite with Capital & Expertise

We link federally recognized Native American Indian tribes with capital enriched, experienced, Online installment, line-of-credit, kiosk/ATM, payday loan and title loan lenders.

We are a conduit;  literally a network of B2C financial services experts.

Our executives have 60+ combined years in providing capital, risk and underwriting analysis, banking relationships, asset protection, certified public accounting expertise, portfolio management, customer acquisition [CAC] strategies, and the implementation of state of the art technology including artificial intelligence [AI] to achieve superlative key performance metrics [KPI’s] resulting in unrivaled ROI’s for all parties participating in these collaborations.

The typical scenario is for a family office, an entrepreneur(s)… to provide their capital and consumer lending expertise in partnership with a federally-recognized Native American Indian tribe to enable the Online Tribal Lending Enterprise [TLE] to ensure that the tens of millions of financially challenged USA consumers existing today have access to a multitude of financial solutions, consumer protections, quality services, and positive interactions with their lender.

This collaborative scenario guarantees industry ‘Best Practices” are incorporated into the consumer loan process while simultaneously achieving a superior return on investment for the servicer/marketer thus delivering jobs, financial independence, and extraordinary economic and sustainability benefits to Native American reservations; reservations that until the development of these new technologies continue to experience high unemployment, poor health, and little to zero access to education!

We assist both parties in negotiating agreements through joint participation ventures with specific attention to providing protection under the aegis of sovereign immunity.


  • A PRIVATE & EXTENSIVE network of tribes, lenders, executives, servicer/marketers, 3rd party vendors, and capital capable of providing a suite of services that, when partnered in a holistic alliance, achieve extraordinary IRR [internel rate of return] and ROI [return of invstment] for all parties.


  • General Counsel – Consumer Lending: has extensive expertise specializing in servicing U.S. and international Online and state-by-state licensed B2C balance sheet lenders including portfolio decisioning, loan origination, prepaid card, and merchant payment processing implementations, and internet lead generation marketing and oversight.
  • Biz Dev., Analytics & Risk Consumer Loan Executive: 10+ years identifying, implementing, and providing oversight for tribes, state-by-state, offshore, bank, and marketer/servicer frameworks for credit risk/policies/loan contracts/underwriting and implementation of new technologies.
  • IT Consumer Loan Executive: Highly experienced consumer loan professional focused on developing/integrating SAAS platforms for scaling loan portfolios, developing, implementing, and improving key performance indicators [KPI’s] loan portfolio business growth metrics while achieving superior ROI’s for Tribal Lending Entities [TLE’s] and servicer/marketers.
  • Asset Protection Atty: B2C consumer lending is highly litigious. Our team offers access to a highly experienced reservoir of experience and expertise in taking steps to place your assets beyond the reach of frivolous lawsuits or worse. Properly designed asset protection plans provide buffers between your wealth and any claims. Our asset protection strategies suffocate frivolous lawsuits before being filed and create sufficient leverage to negotiate a reasonable settlement should the need ever occur.
  • CPA Executive: A credentialed executive having a profound repository of tax minimization and wealth preservation strategies available to entrepreneurs participating in the consumer lending space. 

Would you like to learn more? 


With Greatest Respect,

Team Leaning Rock Finance